Board of Trustees: This crew help keep God’s House in good order.

Choir:  Meets on Sunday's before church at 9:00am (September - May).

Instrumentalists:  Contact the church office.

Other Opportunities Throughout the Week

  • Life with God:   Junior High confirmation class.  Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00pm
  • Men's Group: Second Saturday of the month 8:30 - 10:30am.   Breakfast is included.

Additional Opportunities

  • First Communion Class: Held in the spring for all youth 5th grade and up.
  • Cancer Companions:   A nine-week support group for anyone affected by the disease.  Cancer Companions is held in the spring and fall.
  • Life with God: Our adult new member class. Held whenever needed!
  • National LCMS Youth Gathering: Held every three years for High School age youth. The next gathering will be in 2022 in Houston, Texas.
