What kind of church is Our Saviour’s?
We are an old congregation. Our Saviour’s has been around now for more than 110 years. That’s amazing, if you stop and think about it. When our first building was constructed, a team of horses was used to dig the foundation!
A century later, one thing remains unchanged:Â Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)Â Â
What kind of church is Our Saviour’s?
Given the fact that we got our start in the fall of 1913, we’re showing unmistakable signs of aging these days. But the Lord has faithfully sustained our little flock in good times and in bad.Â
What kind of church is Our Saviour’s?
We’re of the Missouri Synod persuasion.Â
What kind of church is Our Saviour’s?
We are traditional in our worship style, which is liturgical. We make use of the heritage of the communion of saints that preceded us. What does this mean? We like the tried and true!
While we are traditional, if you’re a guest, please know that you’re welcome to come as you are. We’re down-to-earth folk here. Blue jeans or tee-shirts are fine with us.
What kind of church is Our Saviour’s?
We take sin seriously. We’re not afraid to be honest with God. Each week we confess our failures to him and receive his gracious mercy.Â
Most importantly, we keep the focus on Jesus, the beginning and end of our faith. At Our Saviour’s we have proclaimed the good news of salvation for more than a century now. We will continue to do so as long as God wills.
Pastor Dan