Sometimes our problems persist.Â
Sometimes our problems go on and on, with no end in sight.Â
Sometimes all we can do is hold on, doing our best to get through the day.Â
We may have a chronic illness for which there is no cure. Â
We may have financial difficulties that keep us up at night.Â
We may have family problems that are deep-rooted and long-lasting.Â
We may have battled an addiction for years, or decades.
What do we do when there is no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel? What can we do when our problems persist? What can we do when a problem just won't go away?
What can we do when it begins to dawn on us that we may have to live with a problem for the rest of our days?
We can learn from the apostle Paul who made reference to his on-going "thorn in the flesh". In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul writes that he pleaded and pleaded for the Lord to remove his problem, which he goes on to call: "a messenger from Satan". God heard Paul's pleas, and said no. "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness."
May our Lord Jesus Christ give you grace sufficient for this day, and for the on-going struggles you must endure. Amen.
Pastor Dan  Â